Thank you to everyone who recently joined our “Conflict without Combat” workshop in partnership with Unite Against Hate.
The session was hosted by Dorcas Crawford, former Senior Partner Edwards & Co. Solicitors, founder of The Better Way, Mediator, Facilitator and Public Speaker provided practical resources and valuable insights to those at all stages of their Diversity and Inclusion journey.
Throughout the workshop Dorcas reiterated that communication is key.
“Listen, Listen, Listen”
Attendees got to take part in breakout rooms were they had the opportunity to practice some of the techniques that Dorcas had showcased with open conversations.
Key Skills and Takeaways summarized in below slides and resources:

Great resources below that highlights how you can disagree with people respectfully. It recognises that we are not all going to agree with each other, because let’s face it, “people are different”. However, we do have a choice as to how we treat people when we do disagree with them: respectfully.

“Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional”
Max Lucado
“I will listen to you, and when I disagree with you, I will listen harder”
Barack Obama
Free online workshop/courses can be found at:
The online workshops are user-led courses that can be completed at your own pace, and cover the topics of overcoming bias, building braver communities and communicating in a healthy, combat-free manner. They’re also completely free!
Thank you to Dorcas, Nuala, the Unite Against Hate Team and the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building for making the session possible.