We recently hosted our fourth in the series of industry events: Building a truly diverse and inclusive workplace ‘Breaking Down the Barriers’ with Allstate NI.
Diversity Mark has seen great growth in the technology and professional services sector so for this event we brought together some visionary leaders to share their journeys and insights with our community of existing and future signatories.
The focus and importance of data was a consistent them when getting started and measuring success. We discussed recruitment and retention, culture and belonging and the importance of a framework and structure when embarking upon a mark of progress.
Nuala Murphy our Interim Head of Business kicked off the event by welcoming John Healy Managing Director of Allstate NI who spoke regarding the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

“The reason we are involved with Diversity Mark is simple, because it is part of our shared purpose, our values and it feeds directly into employee engagement and satisfaction, and it drives the performance of our business.”
John Healy
Nuala jumped right into the panel Q&A starting with Allstate’s Lesley Miller asking her about her inspiration; motivation and determination to lead in this space. Lesley shared how, coming from a big family of boys and girls there were no stereotypes established in her home with great parental support she always felt she could do and be anything.
Key take-aways of the event included:
- Intersectionality: “Through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us.”
- Data: Its role and importance.
- 3 R’s – Representation in building a culture from the first interaction with your company from recruitment and how building a culture where everyone can bring their full selves to work enables retention.
Core theme through all above was the importance of communication, being clear and creating the right place and time to share goals and intention. Own your timing to deliver maximum impact.
Jonathan Patel of Aspiring Solicitors joined us to explain who they are and the barriers they are breaking down within social mobility and the law sector, after recently partnering with Silver Accredited A&L Goodbody.
Julianne Miles CEO and Co-Founder of Women Returners spoke on the opportunities they can provide to both employees and employers and how deliberate we have to be in acknowledging bias in order to see successful outcomes.

“We know it’s not just one thing that is needed, its systemic change and challenge across society and the economy at large. But we can all start somewhere and do what we can with what we have.”
Nuala Murphy
Lesley Miller Senior Manager at Allstate NI “You cannot improve what you do not measure.”
David Mulholland CEO at Bar NI “Challenging ourselves to see what we can do and not what we cant do.”
Jill Michael Talent Manager at A&L Goodbody “Talent is everywhere but opportunity is not”
Kerri Bradley HR Director at Cleaver Fulton Rankin “It is all about timing and communication”
Honey-Bell Oke Diversity and Inclusion Lead at Version 1 “Creating awareness, providing training and empowering employees”

Thank you to everyone that attended the session. The event was recorded and can be sent upon request to our Diversity Mark community by emailing info@diversity-mark-ni.co.uk.
Keep your eyes peeled for the details of our upcoming 2022 events.