Last week saw the launch of key events for Diversity Mark as we kicked off our autumn series of events for signatories existing and new.

First event was the Meet the Team hosted by Nuala Murphy Interim Head of Business and Emma Lyttle, Engagement Manager.
Thank you to everyone that attended. The purpose of the session was to give our signatories the opportunity to meet with the team and for us to understand how we can support you each on your diversity and inclusion journeys. Noting each organisation is starting from a different place but understanding the power of learning and sharing together.
Through the breakout rooms we learned the top challenges for businesses right now and discussed active ways to navigate challenges in recruitment, flexible working and aspirations for building more diverse teams, organisations and businesses.
The event covered the Diversity Mark accreditation process and laid out the numerous steps to achieving the different stages. It also provided the opportunity for signatories to break out into small groups to discuss their industry and organisational challenges as well as a safe space to ask for help of other organisations further down their journey. Key suggestions were around language used in recruitment adds to ensure inclusion and attraction of more females in tech, and the use of the Gender bias decoder and Finding subtle bias in job ads.
Discussion around the gender pay gap as well as bias and awareness training for all managers in an organisation wanted to build a more equal workplace. Do check out the Women In the Workplace 2021 report launched with Lean In and McKinsey on Monday past for more on this.
We ended the week with the first Diversity Mark round table at our Dublin office Glandore 25-27, Fitzwilliam Hall, Dublin, D2.
A Coffee Power Hour it sure was as we welcomed industry peers for an introduction to Diversity Mark as well as an opportunity to hear what is pressing for their organisations, community groups and business practices. Connecting people and educating on all areas of diversity created a wonderful safe environment to understand the key concerns and opportunities that we as the awarding body of the Diversity Mark Accreditation can instigate change. We look forward to hosting monthly meetings and would love to see you there and have some exciting partnerships to announce very soon. Sign up to our newsletter and be the first to know. Click here to sign up