In recognition of Cleaver Fulton Rankin’s commitment to diversity and Inclusion, the firm has been awarded the Bronze Diversity Charter Mark by Diversity Mark.

Diversity Mark is the awarding body in the UK and Ireland for the Diversity Mark Accreditation. The Bronze Award is awarded to organisations following an independent assessment to demonstrate the required standard of commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion. The bronze journey begins with setting three gender diversity targets which reflect the organisation’s aspirations, demonstrates commitment to focusing on gender diversity, drives growth and continuous improvement, and promotes a diverse and inclusive environment.
Upon receiving the award, a process of annual review takes place with a full assessment each year, where an independent panel reviews progress made and provides feedback on an organisation’s diversity and inclusion journey. Organisations can progress through their journey by demonstrating evidence of significant measurable progress against all targets.
Cleaver Fulton Rankin is currently working towards three key targets, with a Diversity and Inclusion Committee in place to drive forward the firm’s targets, to identify further growth opportunities, innovate and impact positively on business performance.
Kerri Bradley, HR Director at Cleaver Fulton Rankin commented,
“Achieving the Bronze Charter Mark has been an important milestone in our diversity and inclusion journey. At Cleaver Fulton Rankin, we are committed to encouraging a positive working environment and in identifying opportunities for continuous progression. This award will help guide us on our journey towards maximising a diverse and inclusive workplace.
We have set three important targets and look forward to progressing with these and achieving our goals as a team, to become the most welcoming and inclusive company we can be.”
Nuala Murphy, Interim Head of Business at Diversity Mark added:
“We are delighted to recognise Cleaver Fulton Rankin for their commitment to Diversity by awarding them the Bronze Diversity Mark accreditation. Our independent assessment panel commended Cleaver Fulton Rankin on a very impressive application which evidenced a maturity of thinking and a comprehensive list of actions to take forward with each target. The submission contained an engaging vision statement and clear ambition to progress diversity and inclusion in the organisation, linking this to service provision, internal morale and feelings of dignity in the workplace.
We congratulate everyone at Cleaver Fulton Rankin on this achievement and look forward to working with them on their Diversity journey over the next number of years.”