Rishi Sunak – The UK’s first British-Asian Prime Minister
The UK’s first British-Asian Prime Minister is a historic moment and a significant step forward for diversity in the UK today. This day would have been unimaginable even just a short time ago, but with the first British-Asian Prime Minister now holding the highest office in public life and on the first day of Diwali,…
Black History Month: Being a Good Ally Every Month
October is Black History Month UK. Black History Month recognises and celebrates contributions that Black people have been making to our history and society for centuries but was often over-looked, ignored or downplayed. This month and every month is an opportunity for us to reflect and take direct action to highlight under represented Black voices…
Translink awarded Silver Diversity Mark
Translink has been awarded the Silver Diversity Mark for advancing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace by awarding body Diversity Mark. The Assessors looked for significant progress against Translink’s plan and critiqued goals that will continue to address Gender, Disability, Race and Ethnicity.
Diversity Mark Expands Team
Director Nuala Murphy said, “We are delighted to welcome entrepreneur Orla McKeating and strategic advisor Conor Houston to our Diversity Mark team. Both share our vision to build more diverse and inclusive workplaces through tailoring the needs of individual companies to set evidence-based targets and core business leadership accountability to attain Diversity Mark accreditation.
Politicians join business and civic leaders in fellowship initiative
Twenty-five leaders from different sections of society have been selected for a fellowship programme run by the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building including Diversity Mark Director Nuala Murphy.
A Silver Lining for NI Water
NI Water is celebrating having been awarded the Silver Diversity Charter Mark by Diversity Mark. The prestigious award recognises the organisation’s ongoing commitment and continuous progress to advancing Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace. The award recognised NI Water for expanding its Diversity and Inclusion focus into the communities it serves.
Statement on behalf of Diversity Mark following comments made by Tory candidate Liz Truss
At Diversity Mark we believe the case for diversity in business and public life should not need an explanation. On our doorstep, we’ve seen first-hand how diversity and inclusion has not just supported, but accelerated economic and social prosperity in Northern Ireland. We must continue to platform this progress and workplaces built on the principles…
Hybrid working – getting it right for your people, your business and your customers
Last week Diversity Mark partnered with Bidvest Noonan, one of Northern Ireland’s largest private employers, to host a series of round table talks about how modern work practices are impacting diversity in the workplace. The first event in this series, hosted at Invest Northern Ireland’s headquarters, brought together senior leaders from some of the most…
Importance of challenging gender stereotypes and bias within education.
Helping children of all ages and all genders find inspiration and courage from diverse women role models is key to education. Teaching children and young adolescents to actively question and openly challenge stereotypes and bias is important because it helps forge a more inclusive world. It is for this reason that during the recent celebrations…
Exploristics awarded Silver Diversity Mark Accreditation
Huge congratulations to Exploristics who have been awarded the Silver Diversity Mark in recognition of the milestones they have met and their ongoing commitment to increasing equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Aiden Flynn, Exploristics CEO said “I am thrilled that Exploristics has received this award. It is a testament to the dedication of our team….”