Thank you for booking your call

The more people that commit to progress, the better our world will be. We appreciate your decision and encourage you to take pride that you are giving diversity and inclusion dedication and time in your schedule. Thank you.

Imagine a world where all people are treated equal. Where people are more productive at work and feel safer, more valued and truly respected. That’s our aim and we want to encourage as many organisations as possible to address the gaping disparities that still exist across the UK and Ireland.

What happens now?

Your call is booked and you’ll shortly receive an email with a meeting invitation with details of how to join the call via Zoom. If you don’t have video call capabilities, there is a number and pin you can use to join via telephone. This will also be provided. If you have any special requirements you may need for the call, then please do let us know by emailing

Things to consider before our call

  • Are you letting all your staff bring their best self to work?
  • Do you know if your staff feel included, respected and valued?
  • Do you have any ‘awkward’ questions you’d like to ask about? (Don’t worry, everybody does!)
  • Do you need help getting the entire company onboard?
  • What would you like your business to look like in the future?

We work with great people who have chosen to make a difference. We want to be the support who helps you succeed. If you have the will to make it happen, we can help you.

Case Studies

“The Diversity Mark Accreditation programme has been invaluable to Translink in helping us make connections and develop plans that will continue to make a real difference to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for the benefit of all employees within Translink. Cara Woods, Translink

Cara Woods, Translink

Case Studies

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut odio aliquet, blandit magna et, finibus augue. Suspendisse ut dapibus turpis. Sed eu bibendum massa..

Sample Person, Sample Company

Ignoring or dismissing D&I will have a negative impact on your business as the world continues to commit to progress

Why does D&I Matter?

What is the Diversity Mark accreditation?

How we help?